
One seal controls approval in Wuhan, brewing the “4.0″ reform of administrative approval

Institutional transaction costs cannot be reduced by enterprises through their own efforts. Only by relying on the government to deepen reforms and adjust systems and policies can the burden be reduced.

In order to reduce the burden on enterprises, Wuhan City started by reducing institutional transaction costs and explored the launch of the “3.0″ reform of administrative approval: each district will set up separate administrative approval bureaus to implement “three full concentrations” of approval responsibilities, approval matters, and approval links to achieve “one A seal governs approval.”

Up to now, the reform has achieved full coverage in Wuhan urban area, and the approval rights of each district-level administrative department have been transferred to the newly established Administrative Approval Bureau.

The person in charge of the Wuhan Municipal Reform Office said that with the help of reforms, Wuhan’s municipal-level reserved power items have been reduced from 4,516 in 2014 to 1,810, the lowest among sub-provincial cities in the country.

All “local policies” and “weird proofs” will be cancelled.

Work efficiency doubled

In the middle of last month, in the service hall of the Government Affairs Center in Hongshan District, Wuhan City, it took Yi Shoukui, the head of Wuhan Encounter Internet Cafe Co., Ltd., just one day to obtain both the “Business License” and the “Internet Culture Business License” at once. certificate. Such efficiency surprised him: to apply for the same document, he had to go to multiple windows such as industrial and commercial, cultural, etc. to submit relevant information respectively, and had to wait for at least 6 days.

In July last year, the Administrative Approval Bureau was established in Hongshan District. 85 administrative approval items from 20 functional departments were unified and centralized, and 22 administrative licensing items were included in the joint license office to achieve “one window reporting, simultaneous review, and segmented approval.” At the same time, it is stipulated that all “local policies” and “weird certificates” that have no basis in laws and regulations will be cancelled.

The effect of the reform was immediate. Enterprises bid farewell to “long-term running”, the processing time is shortened by 3 working days on average, and the early settlement rate reaches more than 99.5%.

Change “multiple acceptance” to “one-stop acceptance”, change “people running back and forth” to “department coordination”. With the deepening of the Administrative Approval 3.0 reform, Wuhan has comprehensively cleaned up the approval matters and restructured the approval process to maximize service efficiency.

In Optics Valley, after the establishment of the Government Services Bureau, it took the initiative to “downsize itself”, retaining only 86 administrative licensing approval items, and all 11 pre-approvals were converted to parallel approvals, making it one of the regions with the fewest pre-approval items in the country.

At the same time, Optics Valley has restructured its approval process. For newly established enterprises, it will be “accepted in one place, declared in one form, and one certificate and one code.” For encouraged industry projects, it will be accepted in one place, approved in parallel, and three certificates will be processed at the same time. Construction projects within the authority are “accepted in one go, reviewed in parallel, and completed within a time limit,” significantly improving service efficiency.

In March last year, the national memory base project with a total investment of US$24 billion officially started. It took only two and a half months from project establishment to start of construction.

“As long as the information is complete, from project establishment to construction, it only takes 25 working days for industrial projects and 77 working days for government investment projects, which is more than half the time before the reform.” said Li Shitao, director of the Government Affairs Service Bureau of East Lake Development Zone. Benefiting from this, Optics Valley has an average of 66 market entities born every working day, with innovation and entrepreneurship showing vitality.

Launch “Internet + Government Affairs”

Make doing things online the norm

Ms. Lin is the human resources director of a foreign-funded enterprise in Wuhan. In the past, to apply for employment certificates for foreign colleagues, she had to run from Zhuankou to the Wuhan Citizen’s Home. If the materials were incomplete or wrong, she would have to make multiple trips back and forth. Nowadays, she feels much more relaxed: all these matters can be submitted online and pre-reviewed. She only needs to make a trip to the Citizen’s Home to submit paper materials, and then she can get the employment certificate on the spot.

Promoting online administrative review and approval, allowing “more information to travel and less errands for the masses”, is another focus of Wuhan’s administrative review and approval reform.

In Optics Valley, with the help of the smart Optics Valley Government Affairs Cloud Platform online service system, 13 of the 86 administrative licensing approval items can be processed directly online, and 73 items can be processed online and confirmed on-site. Last year, a retired employee of Huawei registered a company and obtained a business license in half an hour through online processing.

In order to comply with the “Internet +” trend, Optics Valley also took the lead in promoting free Internet access and free copying, which not only reduced costs for enterprises, but also forced functional departments to work hard to achieve paperless office, paving the way for the next step of online full-process approval.

In the Citizen’s Home online service hall, 419 administrative approval and convenience service items have been posted. From the registration of land surveying and mapping projects to the approval of mainland residents traveling to and from Hong Kong and Macao, the entire process can be processed online, and the processing time is shortened by 50% on average.

However, compared with Shenzhen and other places where 80% of administrative approvals are processed online, Wuhan’s “Internet + Government Affairs” is still in its infancy, and the government affairs data of various municipal departments and urban districts are still in an “isolated island” state. The Wuhan Municipal Reform Office stated that it is planning to promote the “4.0″ reform of administrative examination and approval, build a data platform based on “Cloud Wuhan”, and strive to achieve “one network” for all administrative examination and approval in the city.

Post time: May-20-2024